Let’s find your bird!
There are dozens of orders within the phylogenetic class of Aves. Here, I’ve broken down and categorized my articles to show the ones written for each of these.
Click or tap on the image accompanying the bird’s phylogenetic order to find the articles I’ve written about them!

A Quick Guide To Phylogenetics And Taxonomy
Here’s a tip on how I remember the levels of taxonomic categorization using this mnemonic: Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Soup.
The first letter of each word represents its corresponding taxonomic level: Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species. I learned that in 7th Grade Biology class, which has been so helpful ever since!
Phylogenetics allows us to study the relationships between different animals, showing us similarities and differences between species, genera, families, etc.
Up until recently, phylogenies were created on anatomically similar features between birds, and for the most part, this was pretty accurate. Now with the use of DNA sequencing, modern phylogenies are being revised to have the birds that are most genetically related to each other inside the same clades.
I chose to form this page based on the Order of Birds, Aves. This is the next step down after distinguishing birds from reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, and other members of the Chordata Phylum. Going off of the Order allows me to be as broad as possible while still referring specifically to birds.