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Do Penguins Have Feathers – How to Stay Warm in Antarctic Waters Only Using Feathers

Feathers are the defining feature of birds. So yes, penguins most undeniably have feathers.

Penguins lead a very different lifestyle compared to many other birds, and their feathers clearly show this.

The majority of Sphenisciformes (the phylogenetic order of penguins) live in Antarctica and surrounding areas near the South Sea. This region of the world is frigid and hostile, and very few animals can survive here.

These birds have undergone innumerable adaptations through the extreme selective pressures of their environment. One of the most important is their feathers.

Because their evolutionary pathway led penguins to be aquatic hunters, they needed to be more streamlined and maneuverable underwater. Random mutations within populations of these birds created these precise, feathery torpedos.

Somewhat different than the penguins we will be discussing here is the African Penguin. These aquatic birds do have to survive in the Atlantic Ocean’s cold waters around the southern tip of Africa. We can see some exposed pink skin just above and in front of the eyes. We will see how drastic this difference in coverage is with their more southern relatives. The Horn of Africa is not a very warm place, but it pales compared to Antarctica’s icy realm. (Mystic, CT. 2011)

A dense layer of oily, stiff feathers covers a thick layer of downy insulation. The outer, protective feathers and the inner layer of down are the keys to these birds’ success.

Before we dive into these feathers, I want to preface this by saying there are many versions of penguin feathers. This article serves as an overview of these feathers’ comprehensive function and a comparison to a typical bird’s feathers.

Overall, a penguin has roughly twenty different forms of feathers. To cover all of these, I could comfortably write a ten-thousand-word paper. The overall purpose of all these feathers fits into two categories, waterproofing and insulation.

Now with that disclaimer, let’s talk about what makes these feathers so impressive.

Modifications to the Feather

So what makes these feathers so different than, say, a heron?

There are seven recognized feather types: flight, contour, tail, down, semiplume, filoplume, and bristle. However, penguins seem to have thrown all that away for a more unified style.

A penguin’s feather needs to act as a dry suit to stop the bird from freezing in the Antarctic waters. To do this, the most distal (exterior portion) of the feathers is tightly packed.

The feathers’ edges overlap, like roof shingles, shedding water away and keeping the bird dry. This area of the feather is also heavily coated in oil.

We all know oil and water don’t mix, and so do birds. They manage their feathers slick and oily to force the water to bead off, adding another layer of protection.

Looking at the back feathers, we can see this densely packed structure. There are some bare patches here and there due to molting, but it is fully intact for the most part. The feathers on the penguin’s stomach are also very uniform. Thick, oily feathers cover nearly every portion of skin on these birds, keeping them warm and stopping their down from becoming wet. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

Keeping the formation of feathers densely packed also prevents water from seeping in. When looking at any animal that lives in frigid waters, its insulative integument is always more densely packed when compared to relatives living in more temperate environments.

All this structure is needed because right under this is the feather’s down. Now, it’s crucial to keep in mind that some of this down is attached to the rachis of the same feathers that are waterproofing.

This is similar to mammals, which have an undercoat of thicker fur for insulation and an overcoat of protective, looser fur. The difference between birds and mammals is that overcoat and undercoat are all combined within each feather.

Penguins use this arrangement very effectively. Giving them minimal drag in the water while hunting but still having excellent protection and warmth.

I think to understand this better, we need to cover some of the basics of feather anatomy.

Feather Anatomy Basics

A feather is made up of a few components. The feather’s main shaft is called the rachis, and the sections branching off it are the veinsThe rachis provides support for the veins, while the veins determine the function. 

With flight feathers, the rachis is exceptionally strong, and the veins extend far away from it. Each vein interlocks with its neighbor, allowing the bird to create lift and thus fly.

The vein can be further deconstructed. Depending on the use of the feather, a vein can be pennaceous or plumulaceous.

Pennaceous vein formation allows the feather to be stiff and rigid. These are flight and contour feathers, giving support to the bird’s figure and wings.

The barbs (the branches of the main shaft of the feather) link to their neighbors using velcro-like structures called barbules and hooklets.

Looking through my microscope, we can see the structure of a pennaceous vein. There is a very defined structure and order to each of the barbs branching off the central vein. You can see some very slight ridges on the barbs if you look closely, and these are the barbules and hooklets. The barbules and hooklets are what create the defined structure of these feathers. Without this, there would be no order in the direction the barbs could lay, and the feather would not be able to serve its purpose of flight and structure. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

Plumulaceous veins allow the feather to be much looser in formation. These feathers are downy, providing insulation to the bird.

Lacking the barbules and hooklets, the branches of plumulaceous feathers do not unite. This loose structure allows air to get trapped in the open spaces between barbs, keeping the bird warm.

Think of how effective a down blanket or jacket is at keeping you warm and while staying thin and lightweight. This is all caused by the feather’s effectiveness at trapping warmth in pockets of air formed by the feather.

Again, using my microscope, we can see a plumulaceous vein. Unlike the pennaceous, these structures are much less organized and lack the barbules and hooklets on the barbs. Some of the barbs on this vein are angled in odd directions and not perfectly symmetrical. The lack of these is all part of their design. Creating a loosely fitting structure creates air pockets between the barbs, allowing air to become trapped and stopping it from escaping the body. Without this loose configuration, the birds would not be able to have an effective insulating layer. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

The feathers are anchored into muscles under the skin. The bird can flex these muscles to adjust its feathers to retain or release heat, change its appearance for threats or sexual displays, and many other purposes.

When these muscles relax, it allows the feathery covering to open, giving the bird the ability to preen down and release some heat.

If the penguin contracts these muscles, the protective feathers will lay flat, creating a water-tight shell around its insulative down.

The feather’s whole structure is very complex, and I will be writing an entire article dedicated to this soon.

Back to the Birds

Now that we know what pennaceous and plumulaceous mean, we can understand how the penguin’s feathers work.

The upper portion of the penguin’s feather is pennaceous, while the lower is plumulaceous. Meaning the distal (top) part of the feather is interlocking and acts as a shield, while the proximal (bottom) part of the feather is loose and designed to trap air.

The closest thing to penguin feathers in other birds would be a contour feather. These do the majority of body coverage on a bird, supplying structure and warmth.

I wouldn’t be shocked if it turned out penguin feathers are just heavily modified contour feathers. They share all the same characteristics and the same overall use, but with alterations to help these birds survive in the biting Southern Ocean.

This Adélie Penguin is showing some molting around its eye and the base of the bill. Just like all birds, penguins occasionally replace old feathers with new ones through molting. Typically this is done in random patches across the bird’s body, allowing it to continue normal activities with as little impediment as possible. Looking at this individual’s back and belly, we can see how tightly packed the feathers are. Bare skin in these areas could spell disaster for a bird having to face the frigid Antarctic wind and sea, so these molts must happen quickly. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

I found a few papers and articles referencing fossil penguins and their feather development but nothing specifically about the direct link between modern penguins’ feathers and contour feathers. It isn’t uncommon for feathers to be heavily adjusted to fit a niche or requirement the bird needs.

Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out to be the case that penguin feathers are no more than extraordinarily oily, densely packed contour feathers. When comparing the penguin feathers to the other types listed earlier, there is no other type that more closely resembles them.

Flight and tail feathers are far too long and rigid, downy and semiplume feathers would absorb water instantly on their own, and the other varieties mostly serve as accessory sensory organs.

So if it is such a hard life swimming in these near-freezing waters, why do it? The simple answer I can think of would be the lack of direct competition for food.

Creating a Niche

If you go to a grocery store with the parking lot full and all the checkout lines crowded, it will take you a lot longer to get your groceries than if you go to a nearly empty store. I believe this is the same reason the penguins became aquatic hunters.

Around this region, many seabird species take advantage of the algal blooms in the summer. These blooms draw in smaller fish, which in turn draw in their predators, and so on.

Most of these birds will fly above the water, spot their prey, and plunge themselves into the sea, hoping to catch a fish. The problem with this is calculating the distorted image created by the water and the depth the fish are swimming. 

Here a Gentoo Penguin peers at me through a net that stops zoo visitors from reaching into their enclosure. Penguins have a very striking yet monochromatic appearance. Their black backs and white underbellies are used as counter-shading camouflage. This means if the bird is swimming and a predator is above them, their dark dorsal side will blend into the dark depths below. The same is true if the predator is beneath the penguin. Their lighter ventral side will meld with the bright sky above, keeping the bird safe while they hunt. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

Many of these birds have adaptations to help with this, but this is solved by hunting the fish on their own turf. Cutting through the water with paddle-shaped wings while staying dry and warm with oily feathers is a vital modification. 

Since the only competition penguins would have are diving birds and marine mammals, they can fill a niche that has never been taken. 

Fish can understand that if they are too close to the water’s surface, they will be bombarded by birds and eaten. So, they will swim deeper and avoid this dilemma.

This presents a problem for diving birds. Now they need to take the impact of the dive and then swim deeper to catch a fish.

The penguin’s solution to this is by adapting strictly to swimming and removing their ability to fly. I will make an article about the adaptations penguins have made to their wings and why they have lost the ability to fly. But here is a quick summary of my thoughts.

This Gentoo Penguin shows us how perfectly shaped they are for aquatic life. The sharp beak and tear-drop-shaped body effortlessly cut through the water. These birds use their wings to propel themselves through the water at incredible speed. The oily feathers keep water from seeping in, and on this individual, they almost resemble scales. Muscles under the feathers pull them tightly together and form a drysuit, allowing penguins to spend hours hunting fish and krill in near-freezing waters. (Orlando, FL. 2020)

Most flightless birds we find are island residents with little to no terrestrial predators. This is also the case for penguins.

Now, I haven’t done any research on this specifically, and when I write my article on their wings, this whole section might be revised.

I think that because the only threat to penguins came from the sea, in the way of orcas and seals, they needed to become faster swimmers. This pressure from predators and the unexploited resource of deeper swimming fish and krill pushed penguins to give up flight finally.

Every aspect of a penguin has been fine-tuned by evolution over millions of years. Each of these has been found through trial and error by random mutations. Eventually leading to what we know as a penguin today.

What We’ve Learned

In my opinion, the most vital mutation penguins underwent was the modification of their feathers. Having a water-tight exterior caused by interlocking pennaceous feathers keeps the bird dry and hydrodynamic. At the same time, they preserve the extremely efficient downy, plumulaceous portion of the feather to keep them warm and toasty.

These feathers are the epitome of waterproofing and insulation in avians. Through tens of millions of years of natural selection, penguins have created a virtually perfect body shape and set of modifications for a niche they created.


As I said before, nearly every millimeter of skin on a penguin is covered in its highly effective feathers. The only skin exposed to the elements on this Chinstrap Penguin is the eyelids and the mouth’s edges. This extreme amount of covering stops the birds from losing heat to their environment. Heat is produced through the energy these animals create by eating and moving muscles. Any loss of this heat would be a waste of energy and a hindrance for the bird. Natural selection has made it, so there is an optimal amount of coverage on these birds, keeping them warm and dry and allowing them to thrive in this hostile environment. (Orlando, FL. 2018)

Thank you so much for reading through this long article about such a small detail. I hope you learned something new about these astounding birds through this, and you look closer for the little details!

Make today great!



“Feathers Trap Air to Provide Warmth: Emperor Penguin.” AskNature, 7 Oct. 2016, 

Williams, Cassondra L., et al. “Hidden Keys to Survival: the Type, Density, Pattern and Functional Role of Emperor Penguin Body Feathers.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society Publishing, 22 Oct. 2015, 

5 thoughts on “Do Penguins Have Feathers – How to Stay Warm in Antarctic Waters Only Using Feathers”

  1. Pingback: Are Penguins Mammals – Of Course NOT, Penguins Are Birds! – Welcome to!!!

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  4. Daniel Scott ONEIL

    Hey Max,

    Very interesting article about Penguins, my wife and I were at SeaWorld last weekend and always enjoy the penguin exhibit.

    Keep up the great work !!!

    Best Regards,


    1. Hey Dan,

      Thank you for the support and your kind words! I really appreciate you checking out my article!!

      Thank you again,

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